tirsdag 26. juli 2011

May you live every day of your life.

My dear,
If I could wish upon you one thing it would be this:
May you live every day of your life.
May you not dwell in the past. Whatever the past was, it’s gone. Whether the past was dastardly awful or outrageously wonderful, it is gone. Leave it behind.
May you not dwell in the future. Thinking of that which you shall do. Because, before you realize it, you shan’t. The problem with dwelling in the future is that it’s perfect. Terribly so! In the future you’re happy, beautiful, in love, famous, rich, and successful… somehow. And it is this somehow that will ruin you. Erase “Tomorrow I’ll” from your vocabulary instantly I say. Because tomorrow will never come. Now is here however, and patiently waiting.
May you actually live! Embrace the day at hand. Live in the now. Because it is eternal and unbound. The now doesn’t recognize yesterday’s failures, or tomorrow’s successes. And thus it is truly unchained. And an unchained mind flies.

Live in the now, and you shall sprout wings.

Truly yours,
Jonathan Swift

torsdag 21. juli 2011

Moving, agian!

This is how my room looks like at the moment:

I've found out that I have alot of books, and their all in these:

Since I'm not leaving with my stuff, but join it in three weeks time, I had to leave something behind for me to read:
I'm really worried I won't have room for everything at the new place in Oslo, but then I'll just live with books in my bed!

tirsdag 19. juli 2011

There's No Place Like Here: Brazenhead Books

One day, I'll get my ass to New York City, and seek out this place!